
We ask that you please fill out the entire form and click the submit button at the end of the questionnaire. Required Questions are marked and must be filled in order to send.

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Phone Other

    What are the work hours per day and number of days per week for you and your spouse (or other adults living in home)?

    How many hours a day will the puppy be home alone?

    How many hours a day will he/she be left alone as an adult?

    Are there children in the home?

    Number of children and ages

    Are there other adults in the home besides you and your spouse/partner?

    Relationship, ie. roomate, grandparent, etc

    Are there pets in the home now? If yes, what type of pets? Dog, cat, other, sex, age, altered, please be specific

    What breeds have you had in the past?

    What became of them?

    How long did you keep them?

    If you didn’t keep them their entire lifetime, why?

    Where did they go? Where are they now?

    Do you have a fully fenced yard? (Invisible fencing is not considered a fenced yard.)

    Where will the puppy stay during the day and sleep at night while potty training? After potty training is complete?

    Are you willing to obedience train your puppy?

    What type of activities do you enjoy doing with your dog/s?

    May I or a local breeder visit your home?

    Local veterinarian’s name, address and phone number for a reference

    Please list three (3) personal references and their phone numbers, who can attest to the type of care you give/can give your dog

    Are you interested in (check one)
    Show QualityCompanion QualityBreeding Quality

    Are you interested in (check one)
    MaleFemaleEither Sex

    If the sex you prefer is not available would you like to
    Choose opposite sexWait for next litter

    What color do you prefer? Please list a 2nd and 3rd color choice too

    Who referred you to me?

    The wait for a Grandview Havanese puppy can be anywhere from a few months to a year - Would you like to reserve a spot on my waiting list?

    All my puppies are sold on a limited registration and neuter/spay contracts unless otherwise specified in the contract - Are you planning to breed?

    Are you planning to spay/Neuter?

    Havanese lifespan is 12-18 years - Are you willing to keep a puppy for its entire lifetime, even if unexpected things come up such as - moving or relocating your family, expensive veterinary bills, new children, canine behavior problems, etc
    YesNoNot Sure

    Are you willing to feed the premium food and vitamins recommended by the breeder?

    I make every attemp to place my puppies in a safe, loving, and caring “Furreal Homes” and this questionaire will assist me in getting to know you and your family better - Thank you for completing this questionaire. Only approved families will be placed on my list

    Please prove you are human by selecting the cup.



    Check out our Available puppy page to see if we available Havanese puppies for sale!